Wednesday’s Agenda:
1. Opening Activity: Petit Art Gallery Presentation
2. Reflection
3. Presentation Preparation
4. Poster making
On our second to last day of Generations of Us, our group of young and older people was smaller and more intimate. We focused on the last two steps of the oral history process: present and evaluate. We began by learning about art through a mini-presentation by one of our Senior participants, who is active in the art classes and group at the Atlas Senior Center and in the greater Chicago art world. The young people had a chance to ask her questions and to learn about the many mediums of creative expression that one can learn and explore throughout one’s lifetime. Our Senior artist passionately described her own work, the work of her children and friends, and shared her hope that we would all be inspired to create our own art!
Next, I presented the young and older adults with a series of questions to reflect on their experiences during the project. Here is a list of those questions:
Generations of Us: Final Reflection Guided Questions:
1. What were your preconceptions about relating to older or younger adults before this project?
2. What were your preconceptions about the interviewee’s age before this project?
3. How has this experience changed (or not) your views?
4. What was the most valuable information you personally gained during this project?
5. How do you think you affected your interviewee?
6. What do you think are the most positive aspects of this project?
7. What do you think can make this process even better for both students and older adults?
8. What are other important thoughts or feelings would you like to share about your participation in this project?
After silently reflecting and writing in our reporters’ journals, some participants shared their thoughts with the larger group. Many of those thoughts will be shared during our presentation, so I will wait until the presentation happens tomorrow to reflect on their takeaways!
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Finally, we planned the agenda for our presentation celebration! The young and older people are excited to making it an engaging presentation with different activities and lots of fun. I am excited to share what the students have prepared for everyone on Thursday afternoon (including their awesome posters)!
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