On June 1, 2013, International House dedicated its main lounge as the Rockefeller Lounge, in recognition of the Rockefeller family’s long support of I-House, including David Rockefeller’s (PhD’40) support of recent renovations. The ceremony also marked the conclusion of the year-long 80th anniversary celebration of International House at the University of Chicago.
The event featured remarks by professor emeritus and former International House director Ralph W. Nicholas, AM’58, PhD’62; president emeritus Hanna Holborn Gray; and vice president for campus life and student services Karen Warren Coleman. The ceremony featured the traditional lighting of candles and International House pledge, which each resident reads in his or her own language:
“As light begets light, so love, friendship and goodwill are passed from one to another. We who have come from many nations to live in one fellowship at International House promise one another to pass the light wherever we go.”
Hanna Holborn Gray, the Harry Pratt Judson Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus and president emeritus, offering remarks at the Rockefeller Lounge Dedication.