June 21, 2024

Figure 1. In the school with the banner we printed of the imitative running the project

This week, the whole team worked hard to receive the 180 students that were invited to the English Assessment. We contacted their parents so that all students had a specific appointment to take the exam, which aims to evaluate the students’ own perspectives of their English level, reading, grammar and listening skills in relation to the English language. We had a preliminary idea about the students’ English level. With this test we aimed to select those more motivated students and collect data for further research.

We ran the exams in the Politecnico Municipal school, with whom we partnered to deliver the summer camp. Other exams were administered in the Altos de Menga area. We explained to students that the purpose of the English Summer Camp is to create and develop bilingual capacities and skills that will eventually allow them to enter the job market and improve their living conditions, as well as to empower them to see English as a path for a brighter future. We also mentioned that during the project, the teenagers will receive 16 hours of classes divided into 8 sessions throughout the month of July. The main difference from other English classes is that during these sessions, engaging activities designed by educational experts will be provided.

Figure 2 Students taking the English assessment.

From Tuesday, June 18th to Thursday, June 20th, we received students for the English assessment. We developed different logistical strategies to achieve this goal and to complete the evaluations during the 3 different days set for this purpose. We evaluated students of different nationalities, as in Colombia there are current Venezuelan migrants enrolled in the education system. Our program is open to everyone and the main selection criteria at this stage is focused on students age (between 11 and 17 years old) and school grade (9th to 11th grade).

During this process we found something interesting, there were some few students who had a higher English level compared to the rest of the group. We talked to these students about the scope of the summer camp. Even though the program starts at a basic level of English so that everyone can participate in the program, these students were very enthusiastic to participate in this program and put all their efforts into strengthening their knowledge as well as helping other students in their process of learning English as a second language.

Figure 3 Welcoming postal

Finally, we decided who will participate in our English Summer Camp and sent them a message and an invitation to the opening ceremony that will take place next week. The students who will participate in the program are the ones who have taken the exam. We had 120 students who attended our exam sessions. This shows that discipline and willingness to follow our dreams can be enough to start down the path that can allow us to achieve our goals.

Figure 4 Selected English teachers.

We also completed the selection of the English teachers who will participate in this first phase of the Summer Camp and work with the 120 students. We received 9 applications and after the evaluation, the 2 teachers who will help us during the summer camp are Luz Stella Erazo and Daysury Granja Sandoval. Both of them are Colombians, born and raised in Cali, and they share a very important mission that is at the heart of our program: to create and stimulate in the students a specific interest in learning English, and to show them the importance of learning this second language and the opportunities it could bring them in the pursuit of their dreams.

I am grateful for all the experience we have gained so far and glad for being able to develop this project for the benefit of people who need it and appreciate all the efforts made to make it possible. As a team, we are happy to share our knowledge and experience and make a positive impact in our society, changing the mindset of these children who are taking advantage of a great opportunity that can improve their lives.


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