Friday, October 14, 2016
Assembly Hall
Marc A. Edwards, the Charles P. Lunsford Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Virginia Tech University, will give the keynote lecture, entitled Perspectives on Environmental Injustice in the Flint, MI Water Crisis.
Professor Marc A. Edwards heroically helped to uncover the Flint, Michigan lead water crisis. In this year’s address, Edwards will discuss environmental justice and advocacy, and confronting government failure and deception.
A MacArthur Fellow, Professor Marc Edwards’ research includes projects for the National Science Foundation, the Water Research Foundation, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Professor Edwards has earned numerous awards including: the Barus Award for Defending the Public Health and Interest; Praxis Award in Professional Ethics from Villanova University; the Virginia Tech Alumni Award for Research Excellence; National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellowship, awarded by the White House/NSF for work on corrosion in water distribution systems. Professor Edwards has co-authored 38 journal articles. He earned his bachelor’s degree in bio-physics from SUNY Buffalo, and a masters and Ph.D. in environmental engineering from the University of Washington.
Free and open to the public.
Presented by the Global Voices Lecture Series and the School of Social Service Administration.
Click here to read a transcript of the interview conducted by Global Voices Metcalf Fellow, Caitlin Moroney.