6th Latin American Matters Policy Forum: Disrupting the Region’s Status Quo

Friday, May 11, 2018
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Assembly Hall

Friday, May 11, 2018

9:00AM – 5:00PM

Assembly Hall

The LAM Policy Forum provides an opportunity for renowned practitioners and world-class policy leaders to discuss Latin American policy issues with Harris School students and leading academic researchers in the Chicago area. In past years, the event has hosted relevant policymakers and leaders, such as former Latin American Presidents, current and former ministers, Latin American ambassadors to the US, and policy experts.

Welcoming Remarks

Panel 1- 2018 Elections in Latin America: A Comprehensive Perspective

Mr. Fidel Cano (Colombia), Director of the national newspaper “El Espectador” .

Mr. Armando Ríos Piter (Mexico), Independent Candidate for Mexico’s Presidential Election

Moderator : Ms. Janeth De Luna (Mexico), Project Manager in Ciudad Mejor A. C. Master in Public Policy, The University of Chicago Harris School.

VIP Speaker to be confirmed.

Panel 2- Financial Stability: Facing Challenge of the Digital Era

Mr. Carlos Fernández Valdovinos (Paraguay), Governor of the Central Bank of Paraguay.

Mr. Ernesto Revilla (Mexico), Head of Latam Economics, Citigroup.

Ms. Pamela Cardoso (Columbia), Chief Officer, Central Bank of Columbia.

Moderator: Mrs. Andrea Arévalo (Mexico), Advisor to Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund. Master in Public Policy, Harris School, The University of Chicago.

Panel 3- Beyond the Scandals: Confronting Corruption in Latin America

Mr. Deltan Dallagnol (Brazil), Federal Persecutor of Brazil.

Mr. Camilo Enciso (Colombia), Director of International Institute on Anticorruption Studies. Former Secretary of Transparency of the Colombian Government.

Moderator: Ms. Fabio Losso (Brazil), Chief Governance, Risk and Compliance Officer in Copel, Brazil. Harris School Council Member.

VIP Speaker to be confirmed.

Keynote Speaker

Mr. Carlos de Mesa Gisbert (Bolivia), former President of Bolivia (2003-2005)

Moderator : Dr. James Robinson (UK) , Reverend Dr. Richard L. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict and Faculty Director, The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts, Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago.

Closing Words



This event is free and open to the public.

Co-Sponsored by the International House Global Voices Performing Arts and Lecture Series, Latin American Matters, The Harris School of Public Policy, The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts, Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics, Center for Latin American Studies, Student Government, Graduate Council, Mexicans at UChicago, and Organization for Latin American Students.


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