Festival of Nations

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Assembly Hall

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Assembly Hall

The Festival of Nations is a true “international day” with dancing, singing, and sharing of food. It is a traditional event that dates back to the early years of the International House. Our fellow International Houses around the world also host annual Festivals. During the Festival, tables will be set up representing different countries. While people serve food at booths, there will be dancing, singing, and other cultural performances to watch!

Enjoy international delicacies from Syria, Switzerland, Romania, China, Egypt, Cyprus, Brazil, Spain, Ukraine, Morocco, Northern China, Austria, Nepal, Peru, Russia, Pakistan, Western Amazonia, Lithuania, Mexico, India, Greece, Italy, and The Netherland.

This year’s multicultural performances are introduced by Ballroom and Latin Dance Association, Apsara, Kendo Club, Kojo Daiko, Raas Team, UChicago Bhangra, Global Girls, Pachacamak Ecuadorian Folk Dance Group, Verea Bulgarian Folk Club, Orleta Polish Folk Dance Group, and Maya, Tatiana and Lucero Flamenco. Plus, Chicago Swing Dance Society will hold a special three-hour event in the courtyard.

Free and open to the public. Food and beverage tickets available for purchase at the door.

Sponsored by the Residents of International House.

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