Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Coulter Lounge
Interested in a green career, but confused when it comes to your options? W’re holding the UChicago Green Careers Panel just for you!
This panel-style event will feature five environmental professionals offering insight into a diverse range of related fields, such as environmental consulting, governmental organizations, non-profits, and culinary companies. These speakers will discuss their current job experience, their personal work, professional trajectory, valuable skills, and challenges they have faced.
Confirmed speakers include Eric Neagu, a UChicago alum who currently works as Principal at environmental consulting firm The Antero Group; Margaret Hansbrough, the energy engagement manager at the Office of Mayor Rahm Emanuel; and Kristen Voorhies, a UChicago PhD alum who currently works as a biologist at the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
Doors open at 6:45PM.
Panel starts at 7:00PM.