Latin American Policy Forum 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016
Assembly Hall

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Assembly Hall

The 3rd Latin American Policy Forum is organized by Latin American Matters (LAM), a student organization at the Harris School of Public Policy, which aims to improve the position of the University of Chicago in Latin America, and to bring the policy debate from Latin American to our university community.

Dr. Daniel Diermeier, Dean of the Harris School of Public Policy, and Mr. Manuel Aragonés, President of Latin American Matters, will deliver welcome speeches. The keynote address will be given by Mr. César Gaviria, former President of Colombia (1990-1994) and former Secretary General of the Organization of American States – OAS (1994 – 2004).

About the Panels:

The Pacific Alliance and Private Sector Engagement
Mr. Sergio Díaz-Granados, Executive Director for Colombia and Ecuador, Inter-American Development Bank, Colombia
Dr. Francisco Gil, CEO of Telefónica Latin America and former Minister of Finance, Mexico
Mr. Edgar Vásquez, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Peru
Moderator: Dr. Ernesto Stein, Senior Advisor, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, Argentina

Social Innovation and Inequality: Latin American Policy Making in the 21st Century
Ms. Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz, General Director, Department of Social Prosperity, Colombia
Dr. Gonzalo Hernández, Executive Secretary, National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy, Mexico
Mr. Miguel Angel Santos, Senior Research Fellow, Center for International Development, Harvard University, Venezuela
Mr. Milton Von Hesse, Former Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, Peru
Moderator: Dr. Susan E. Mayer, Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, USA

Conflict Resolution and Peace Making in Latin America
Dr. Diego García-Sayán, former President, Inter-American Court of Human Rights and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Peru
Mr. Rafael Pardo, Minister of Post-Conflict Affairs, Human Rights and Security, Colombia
Dr. Alejandro Poiré, Dean, Graduate School of Government, Tec de Monterrey and Former Minister of Interior, Mexico.
Moderator: Mr. Aubrey Fox, Executive Director, Institute for Economics and Peace, USA

Open to the public.

Sponsored by the International House Global Voices Lecture Series, Latin American Matters, the Harris School, Mexicans at UChicago, and Student Government.

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