Sands: Creation Through Erosion with Soma Roy

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Assembly Hall

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Assembly Hall

Join the International House Global Voices Lecture Series in partnership with International Women Associates for a discussion with Founder of The Nourishment Projects, Soma Roy. Though it molds the quick sands of global politics with durable change, this commodity has had a rocky start. As the building block for concrete, glass, and electronics, sand is the second most consumed good in the world by volume after water. Yet the narrative is much more than the shape shifting supply chain story about the commodification of prosaic matter.

Join us in-person or online for this discussion. Light lunch and refreshments will be provided in-person.

This program is free and open to the public. Please note that the main entrance is currently for residents only; please use the door on South Dorchester Ave to enter.

This program is co-sponosored by the International House Global Voices Lecture Series and the International Women Associates.

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