SSA Social Justice Address with K. Sujata

Friday, October 23, 2015
6:30PM-7:30PM (followed by hooding ceremony)
Assembly Hall

Friday, October 23, 2015

6:30PM-7:30PM (followed by hooding ceremony)

Assembly Hall

K. Sujata is a strong advocate for women and girls, and has broad experience in Chicago’s philanthropic, business and nonprofit communities. She serves as president of Chicago Foundation for Women, a grant making organization dedicated to increasing resources and opportunities for women and girls in the greater Chicago area. Sujata has worked at several notable nonprofit agencies in Chicago as director of programs for the Eleanor Foundation, executive director of Apna Ghar, director of Chicago Continuum of Care (now Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness), and director of planning and development at Interfaith Housing Development Corporation.  Before joining the nonprofit sector, Sujata trained as a scientist at Northwestern University, received an MBA from IIT, and studied engineering in her native India.

Immediately following the Social Justice Address, SSA alumni who graduated prior to 2004 will receive their convocation hoods (the class of 2004 participated in the first SSA Hooding Ceremony).

Free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the Global Voices Lecture Series and the School of Social Service Administration.

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