Thursday, May 12, 2016
4:00PM-7:30PM; 9AM-5:00PM
Coulter Lounge
This two-day conference seeks to invite scholars of race and ethnicity to the University of Chicago campus for an extended conversation on the relational nature of racialization in the United States. The conference will serve as a central program for the 20th anniversary celebration of the founding conference for the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture.
May 12, 4:00PM-7:30PM
May 13, 9AM-5:00PM
Scholars for several decades now have conceptualized race as a social construction shaped in specific historical, social and cultural contexts, and accordingly have written works on specific racialized groups, illuminating their place within America’s racial hierarchy. But an emerging body of work has also begun to consider the relational nature of racializations moving beyond the analysis of how individual groups are formed in relation to whiteness to consider how they are formed in relation to each other. Relational studies of race posit that racialization happens dynamically; group-based racial constructions are formed not only in relation to whiteness, but also in relation to other devalued and marginalized groups (e.g. African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, and Asian Pacific Islanders), whose own racialization is itself constantly in play. This conference on “Studying Race Relationally” seeks to explore these connections and dynamics.
Organized by Professor Ramón A. Gutiérrez (History, UChicago) and Natalia Molina (History, UC San Diego).
Conference Schedule
Thursday, May 12, 2016
4:00PM Welcome Reception
4:45PM Conference Framing: Natalia Molina, History, UC, San Diego
5:00PM Keynote Address: “The Chinaman and the Slave: Notes on Race, Power, and Positionality”, Claire Jean Kim, Political Science and Asian American Studies, UC, Irvine
5:30PM Comments: Michael Dawson, Political Science, UChicago; Director, Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture
5:45PM “Towards a Critical Geography of Race in American History”, Eric Avila, Chicana and Chicano Studies, UCLA
6:15PM Comments: Daniel HoSang, Ethnic Studies and Political Science, U Oregon
Friday, May 13, 2016
9:00AM Introductions: Ramón A. Gutiérrez, History, UChicago
9:15AM “‘Our Porto Ricans’: Puerto Rican Students at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1898-1918”, Catherine Ramirez, Latin American & Latino Studies, UC, Santa Cruz
9:45AM “U.S. Colonized Subjects, Indigeneity, and Comparative Critique”, Antonio T. Tiongson, Jr., American Studies, U New Mexico
10:15AM “Racial Migrations between Hawai‘i and the U.S. South: White Supremacy, Relational Settler Colonialism, and Japanese American World War II War Heroes”, Jeffrey T. Yamashita, Ethnic Studies, UC, Berkeley
10:45AM Comments: Marco Garrido, Sociology, UChicago
11:15AM Coffee Break
11:30AM Keynote Address: “The Relational Revolutions of Anti-Racist Formations”, Roderick Ferguson, African American, Gender and Women’s Studies, U Illinois, Chicago
12:00PM Comments: Larissa Brewer-García, Romance Languages, UChicago
12:15PM Lunch Break
1:30PM “Racial Arithmetic: Media and Demographic Politics in a ‘Majority-Minority’ City”, Michael Rodriguez-Muñiz, Provost’s Postdoc in Sociology, UChicago
2:00PM “From the Mississippi Delta to San Antonio’s West Side: Struggles Against Hunger, Poverty, and Racial Injustice from a Relational Perspective”, Laurie B. Green, History, U Texas, Austin
2:30PM Comments: Edgar García, English, UChicago
3:00PM “’Border Hopping Mexicans’ and ‘Law-Abiding Asians’: The Production and Consequences of Racialized ‘Illegality’ for Undocumented College Students”, Laura E. Enriquez, Chicano/Latino Studies, UC, Irvine
3:30PM “The Relational Positioning of Arab and Muslim Americans in Post-9/11 Racial Politics”, Julie Lee Merseth, Political Science, Northwestern
4:00PM Comments: Richard Jean So, English, UChicago
4:30PM Concluding Remarks
Free and open to the public with registration.
Sponsored by the Global Voices Conference Series, the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture; the Franke Institute for the Humanities; and the Department of History