Thursday, April 30, 2015
Assembly Hall
How does today’s economy impact the modern family? Several trends link mounting burdens on family life to economics: children are raised in situations of familial and fiscal instability, young people are delaying marriage or forgoing it altogether, and the elderly often struggle with their increasing dependency and the rising costs of health care. Situated between the 2014 and 2015 Synod Of Bishops On The Family, this symposium will consider whether Catholic social teaching and contemporary economics can offer insights into the current crisis of the family in the changing economy.
Archbishop Blase J. Cupich of Chicago will give the introductory remarks at this symposium, and the keynote address will be given by Oscar Cantú, Bishop of Las Cruces, NM.
Panelists will include:
Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Columbia University
William Evans, University of Notre Dame
Christine Firer Hinze, Fordham University
Valerie Ramey, University of California, San Diego
This program is part of the Lumen Christi Institute’s Seventh Annual Conference in Economics and Catholic Social Thought, a continuing exchange between research economists, bishops, and scholars.
Free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the Global Voices Lecture Series and the Lumen Christi Institute.