Graduate Fellowship Recipients

collage of 85 international house fellowship recipients

The International House Graduate Fellowship Program helps ensure the exceptional geographic, cultural and economic diversity that is central to the mission of the House and the University of Chicago. During the 2024-2025 academic year, the Graduate Fellowship Program awarded fellowships to 90 students from all graduate divisions of the University. Graduate Fellows come from 39 countries and were selected based on academic merit, leadership abilities, community activities, and their ability to contribute to the diversity of International House.

2024-2025 International House Graduate Fellows

Tonanziht Aguas, Mexico/United States
Also awarded the Pearson Fellowship, Harris School of Public Policy

Joshua Michael Anaya, Kaimay Yuen Terry Fellow, United States
Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice

Eduardo Jose Andujar, Dominican Republic
Harris School of Public Policy

Mahdi Assari, John E. Bishop and Elizabeth W. Bishop Fellow, Iran
Chemistry, Physical Sciences Division

Mert Aydemir, Turkey
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Humanities Division

Sushant Prasad Banjara, Nepal
Harris School of Public Policy

Anthony Edward Beaupre, United States
Also Affiliated with our Campus Military Community, Booth School of Business and Harris School of Public Policy

Sharba Bhattacharjee, India
Physics, Physical Sciences Division

Jenny Bo, China/United States
Comparative Human Development, Social Sciences Division

Iraj B., Pakistan
Harris School of Public Policy

Juliana Ihoza Byanyima, United States
Pritzker School of Medicine

Arunima Chakrabarty, India
Booth School of Business

Kevin Chang, United States
Molecular Engineering, Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program, Biological Sciences Division

Yuri (Rongruo) Chang, China
Harris School of Public Policy

Rini Annie Cherian, India
Also awarded the Pearson Fellowship, Harris School of Public Policy

Suin Choi, Republic of Korea
Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Paulo Henrique De Alcantara Ramos, Brazil
Booth School of Business

Maanvi Dhillon, Canada
Political Science, Social Sciences Division

Andrew Anthony Dippel, United States
Harris School of Public Policy

Shrutakirti Dutta, Ralph W. Nicholas Fellow, India
English, Humanities Division

Eserhan Eser, Turkey
Law School

Marta Fernández Ferrero, Spain
Harris School of Public Policy

Elina Ghimire, Nepal
Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Lina María González, Colombia
Harris School of Public Policy

Daniela Granados, Colombia
Harris School of Public Policy

Garakishi Guluzade, Azerbaijan
Harris School of Public Policy

Sowon Jeong, Republic of Korea
Booth School of Business

Akshar Niranjan Katariya, India
Harris School of Public Policy

Kay Kim, Republic of Korea
Cinema and Media Studies, Humanities Division

Shriya Prasad Kotta, India
Creative Writing, Humanities Division

Kevin Ming Kuang, China/United States
Law School

Špela Kunstelj, Slovenia
Chemistry, Physical Sciences Division

Katarzyna Kuryłowicz, Poland
Committee on Cancer Biology, Biological Sciences Division

Zikai Li, Gioh Fang and T.S. Ma Fellow, China
Political Science, Social Sciences Division and Statistics, Physical Sciences Division

Xiao Wen Li, Canada
East Asian Studies, Humanities Division

Van Neih Lian, Myanmar
Harris School of Public Policy

Joo Ning Lim, Malaysia
Harris School of Public Policy

Hugo Ljungbäck, Sweden
Humanities Division, Cinema and Media Studies 

Tyler Harrison Lutz, Switzerland/United States
English, Humanities Division 

María Teresa Manjarrez Pérez, Mexico
Harris School of Public Policy

Paula Guillermina Marto, Argentina
Harris School of Public Policy

Rohini Menon, India
Divinity School

Leonardo Moraveg, Mexico/United States
Committee on International Relations, Social Sciences Division

Luc Barter Moulaison, Canada
Political Science, Social Sciences Division

Lukas Johannes Müller-Wünsch, Germany
Political Science, Social Sciences Division

Rimel Nkasa Mwamba, Democratic Republic of Congo
Pritzker School of Medicine and Booth School of Business

Isabella Pestana de Andrade do Nascimento, Brazil
Also awarded the Pearson Fellowship, Harris School of Public Policy

Mahadeen Nanzumani Nashiru, Ghana
Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Amruta Priyadarshini Nayak, Ralph W. Nicholas Fellow, India
Cell and Molecular Biology, Biological Sciences Division

Judith Ndinda Nguli, Kenya
Also an Obama Foundation Scholar, Harris School of Public Policy

Nicholas Calbraith Owsley, South Africa
Behavioral Science, Booth School of Business

Julio Ramón Pacher, Paraguay
Harris School of Public Policy

Youngjae Pak, Military-Affiliated, Republic of Korea
Law School

Gabriel Alexander Costello Pimsler, United States
Committee on International Relations, Social Sciences Division

Eltjana Plaku, Albania
Harris School of Public Policy

Amir Ali Rajani, Pakistan
Harris School of Public Policy

Roshni Ramaswamy, Ralph W. Nicholas Fellow, India
Booth School of Business

Vikram Ramesh, India
Physics, Physical Sciences Division

Taha Rashid, Pakistan
Harris School of Public Policy

Sol Chiara Rivas Lopes, Brazil
Also awarded the Pearson Fellowship, Harris School of Public Policy

Peter Rusafov, Bulgaria/United Kingdom/United States
Committee on International Relations, Social Sciences Division

Ali Afzal Sahi, Pakistan
Harris School of Public Policy

Miguel Alberto Saldarriaga, Peru
Harris School of Public Policy

Nabilah Sammudin, Malaysia
Neurobiology, Biological Sciences Division

Annika Sharma, John E. Bishop and Elizabeth W. Bishop Fellow, India
Neurobiology, Biological Sciences Division

Viktoriia Shcherba, Ukraine
Also awarded the Pearson Fellowship, Harris School of Public Policy

Vartika Singh, India
Also an AAUW Fellow, Harris School of Public Policy

Natalie Kate Spaulding, United States
Harris School of Public Policy and Booth School of Business

Susanna Sun, Min-Sun and Anita B. Chen Fellow, China
East Asian Languages and Cultures, Humanities Division

Neha Swaminathan, Ralph W. Nicholas Fellow, India
Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Burak Tan, Turkey
Political Science, Social Sciences Division

Yumu Tan, Canada
Booth School of Business

Isaak Tarampoulous, Greece
Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cell Biology, Biological Sciences Division, Department of Pediatrics

Clarice Kimberley Tee, Philippines
Also awarded the Pearson Fellowship, Harris School of Public Policy

Frazer Adnew Tessema, United States
Pritzker School of Medicine

Victoria Umutoni, Rwanda
Public Health Sciences, Biological Science Division

Ximena Monica Valenzuela Cabrera, Peru
Also an Obama Foundation Scholar and a Pearson Fellow, Harris School of Public Policy

Mario Venegas Wignall, George and Catherine Watkins Fellow, Mexico
Also awarded the Pearson Fellowship, Harris School of Public Policy

Angela Wachowich, Canada
English, Humanities Division

Alexander Walsh, United States
Also Affiliated with our Campus Military Community, Harris School of Public Policy

Yufei Wang, China
Booth School of Business

Michael Wen, South Africa/Taiwan
Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cell Biology, Biological Sciences Division

Takeshi Yamamoto, Kamyar Jabbari Fellow, Japan
Booth School of Business

Rahaf Youssef, Egypt
Physics, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Katarzyna Zawieracz, Poland
Committee on Cancer Biology, Biological Sciences Division

Haibei Zhang, China
Biophysical Sciences, Physical Sciences Division

Hongli Zhao, China
Computational and Applied Mathematics, Physical Sciences Division





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International House
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Chicago, Illinois 60637-2997

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