5th Latin American Matters Policy Forum: Bringing Latin America Together

Friday, April 21, 2017
Assembly Hall

Friday, April 21, 2017


Assembly Hall

The LAM Policy Forum provides an opportunity for renowned practitioners and world-class policy leaders to discuss Latin American policy issues with Harris School students and leading academic researchers in the Chicago area. In past years, the event has hosted relevant policymakers and leaders, such as former Latin American Presidents, current and former ministers, Latin American ambassadors to the US and policy experts.

About the Speakers:

Mr. Jeremy Edwards, Senior Associate Dean, Harris School of Public Policy.
Ms. Geraldine Garcia Medina, President of Latin America Matters.

Panel 1: Migration: A Tale of Neighboring Nations
Fr. Florenzo Rigoni (Italy), Founder and Director of migrant shelter Casa del Migrante-Belen in Mexico.
Mr. Juan Ricardo Ortega (Colombia), Operations Principal Advisor at the Department of Central America, Mexico, Panama, and Dominican Republic IADB.
Dr. Susan Gzesh (United States), Executive Director of the Pozen Family Center for Human Rights.
Moderator: Mrs. Ana Gonzales-Barrera (Mexico), Senior Researcher, Pew Research Center. Master in Public Policy, Harris School, the University of Chicago.

Panel 2: Raising the Regional Value: Growth and Trade in Latin America
Ms. Ruth Krivoy (Venezuela), Global Source Partner and President of Sinetesis Financiera. Former President of the Central Bank of Venezuela 1992-94.
Mr. Gerardo Rodriguez (Mexico), Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of the Emerging Markets (EM) group at BlackRock. Former Undersecretary of Finance and Public Credit.
Dr. Jose Dario Uribe (Colombia), Former Governor of the Central Bank of Colombia.
Moderator: Ms. Shantall Tegho (Mexico), Head of sovereign research at Blackstone NWI. MBA/MPP, The University of Chicago.

Panel 3: Poverty and Inequality: Politics or Policy?
Dr. Gustavo Yamada (Peru), Research Director at Universidad del Pacifico in Lima, Peru. Director at the Central Bank and the National Education Council of Peru.
Ms. Gina Parody (Colombia), Former Minister of Education of Colombia 2014-16, and former Senator of Colombia 2006-09 and Member of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia 2002-06.
Mr. Javier Garcia Bejos (Mexico), Undersecretary of Planning, Evaluation and Regional Development of the Ministry of Social Development and former Secretary of Labor of the State of Mexico.
Moderator: Dr. Sebastian Gallegos (Chile), Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University. Ph.D. in Public Policy, the University of Chicago.

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico), former President of Mexico (1994-2000) and Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization.
Moderator: Dr. James Robinson (UK), Reverend Dr. Richard L. Pearson, Professor of Global Conflict and Faculty Director, The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts, Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago.

Closing Words
Mr. Robert J. Zimmer, President of the University of Chicago.
Mr. Isidoro Garcia, Deputy President Latin American Matters.

Free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the International House Global Voices Lecture Series, the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, the Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflict, the Pozen Family Center for Human Rights, Mexicans at UChicago, the Organization of Latin American Students, Colombians at UChicago, and the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Chicago.

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