Sunday, October 6, 2019
10:30AM – 4PM
Assembly Hall
Join International House and the UChicago Ballroom & Latin Dance Association for a day of lessons and performances of some of the most popular ballroom dances, including waltz, jive, cha cha, tango, and more! Come along to learn more about this student organization or to simply enjoy the dancing.
The University of Chicago Ballroom & Latin Dance Association (BLDA) was founded in 1993 with the aim to promote the awareness and practice of ballroom and latin dance (both competitive and casual) to the University and surrounding neighborhoods. Home to the University’s Competitive DanceSport Team, BLDA competes in both International and American styles across the Midwest, but all of the lessons are open to non-competitive dancers too. Apart from the competitive team, BLDA also provides social latin lessons, as well as various workshops and performances throughout the year. All lessons and events are open to anyone regardless of skill-level. The BLDA welcomes all newcomers! For more information about BLDA, visit their website here.
Free and open to the public. No previous experience or partner required.
This program is presented by International House Global Voices Performing Arts & Lecture Series and the UChicago Ballroom & Latin Dance Association.