Monday, October 17, 2016
Assembly Hall
What young people think is at the center of this election. Campaigns, pundits, and pollsters are paying special attention to the political attitudes of this demographic and how they feel about issues from policing and gun violence to immigration and education. GenForward—a new survey of the Black Youth Project with the AP-NORC—provides monthly data on the political attitudes and policy preferences of Millennials with a focus on Millennials of color. What do these results tell us about how young adults experience and think about the world? About how and where they engage, or disengage, politically? Join the IOP as it welcomes Cathy Cohen, David Axelrod, and Jesse Moore of Rock the Vote in conversation with the Atlantic’s Emma Green about the GenForward survey results and what they mean for the 2016 race, and for the future of political and social action.
Free and open to the public with registration. If you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket order on Eventbrite so others may register.
Presented by the Global Voices Lecture Series and the Institute of Politics.