Thursday, December 12, 2019
Assembly Hall
The future is one of infinite possibilities. Is it possible to create a world without vaccines? Could we eradicate all diseases that need a vaccine? What if there was a resurgence of deadly disease? Could we move beyond the standard vaccine shot?
Join the Museum of Science and Industry for our Infinite Futures Series as we discover what is happening in the world of vaccines today and how it will impact our health for the future. We will explore these questions and more through an interactive discussion with experts, Dr. Tina Tan, Dr. Olamide Jarrett and Dr. Nina Fefferman. Doors open at 6:00 PM.
Tickets: $15 General Admissions; $22 Admissions + drink (must be 21+ w/ ID)
This program is presented by International House Global Voices Performing Arts & Lecture Series and the Museum of Science and Industry.