Monday, October 9, 2017
Assembly Hall
Join the Global Voices Program and the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics as we welcome the hosts of Crooked Media’s Pod Save America:
Jon Favreau, former head speechwriter for Barack Obama from 2005-2013
Jon Lovett, former speechwriter for Hillary Clinton and President Obama
Dan Pfeiffer, former Senior Advisor to President Obama for Strategy and Communications
Tommy Vietor, former spokesperson for the National Security Council
After collaborating on Keepin’ It 1600 for The Ringer, the four White House veterans launched Pod Save America as a platform “to talk about politics the way actual human beings talk,” mixing day-to-day commentary with guidance on getting involved in the political process. Together, they will discuss the importance of civic engagement, the state of Democratic activism, and the recipe for a perfect ad read.
Moderating the discussion will be Dylan Wells, a third-year political science major at the University of Chicago. Having spent the summer as a political unit fellow at ABC News in Washington, D.C., she is now editor in chief at The Gate, UChicago’s undergraduate political review.
This event is free and open to the public.