Saturday, June 8, 2019
11:00AM – 12:00PM
Assembly Hall
Scientists and movie makers are creators driven by curiosity. Using different methods, they passionately create and communicate knowledge and emotions. With the expansion of computation and artificial intelligence, the scientific and artistic methodologies have increased in complexity and are evolving as partners in shaping the human society. In this talk, Marius Stan discusses the interplay between science and cinema using as examples video clips from movies and computer simulations.
Dr. Marius Stan, MBA’07 is a Senior Scientist and leader of the Intelligent Materials Design program at Argonne National Laboratory. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering at University of Chicago and a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Science and Engineering at Northwestern University. Marius and his group use artificial intelligence and multi-scale computer simulations to understand and predict properties of complex, multi-component materials. Marius has extensively published in the scientific literature and is a published author of short stories and poetry. You may also recognize him as Bogdan, the car wash owner, in the acclaimed TV series “Breaking Bad.”
Free and open to the public.
This event is presented by the International House Global Voices Program, Argonne National Laboratory, and the UChicago Alumni Association.