Chicago South Asian A Cappella Showcase

Saturday, January 31, 2015
Assembly Hall

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Assembly Hall

In recent years, the University of Chicago community has continued to show a substantial interest in engaging with South Asian culture. Yet it sometimes still feels difficult to connect South Asia with the West given their numerous cultural differences. Both, however, revel in vibrant musical traditions! Join us as we welcome a cappella student groups from around the Chicago area as their blend of Western and South Asian songs bridges this gap. Through the accessible and immensely enjoyable medium of music, we explore what unites the Western and South Asian cultures and illuminate the experience of simultaneously living in both worlds.

Performing groups:
Chai Town A Cappella, UIUC – Chai Town is the top all male student South Asian-fusion a cappella group from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since its 2001 inception, Chai Town has been wowing audiences across the country with its unique flavor of a cappella music and obvious good looks.
Raag, Loyola University Chicago, – Founded in the fall of 2012, Raag is Loyola University Chicago’s premier South Asian-fusion a cappella group. Recently accepted into the nation’s largest South Asian-fusion a cappella concert, Gathe Rao, Raag is a quickly growing force in South Asian a cappella.


Open to the public. Tickets will be $3 with UCID, $5 Non-UC University ID, $7 otherwise and at the door.

Sponsored by the International House Global Voices Performing Arts Series, the University of Chicago South Asian Students Association, the Dean’s Fund for Student Life, and the University of Chicago Uncommon Fund.

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