Monday, May 22, 2017
5:15PM- 6:30PM
Rockefeller Lounge
Join International House and the IOP as we welcome Micah White to campus. Mr. White is the co-creator of Occupy Wall Street and author of the book The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution. He will explore best practices on how to organize a movement, if protests are the most effective way to enact change, and how electoral politics factor in a successful organization. The discussion will lead to one central question-What is the future of activism?
Registration is required.
This event is free and open to UChicago students, faculty, staff and the public.
Doors will open 30 minutes before the event begins. Any unclaimed seats will be released 10 minutes before the event begins. Please arrive early to claim your seat. If you can no longer attend, please cancel your ticket order on Eventbrite so others may register.
This venue is physically accessible and has a gender-neutral restroom. Please contact the Institute of Politics at or 773-834-4671 for any questions or accommodation requests
Presented by the International House Global Voices Lecture Series and the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.