America in the Trump Era: Covering Trump

Thursday, January 26, 2017
6:15PM-7:30PM, Doors Open 5:45PM
Assembly Hall

Thursday, January 26, 2017

6:15PM-7:30PM, Doors Open 5:45PM

Assembly Hall

The American public’s trust in the media is at an all-time low. People of all parties and all persuasions blame media bias for election results and public response. What were the media successes and failures of the 2016 election? How do America’s top media executives rate their organization’s performance? What did they do well? What mistakes did they make? How has the media landscape changed? And, looking forward, what challenges do they face covering a Trump White House?

Panelists include:

  • Ann Marie Lipinski of Nieman Foundation
  • David Rhodes of CBS News
  • Jeff Zucker of CNN

Moderated by IOP Visiting Fellow Matt Bai, national political columnist at Yahoo News.

This event is part of “America in the Trump Era,” the IOP’s look at the changes – cultural, policy, media and otherwise – coming under a Trump administration.

Free and open to the public with registration.

Sponsored by the Global Voices Lecture Series and the UChicago Institute of Politics.


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