The Tiffin Boardroom

The Tiffin Room was originally a coffee shop open for light meals and snacks. On the south end of the Tiffin Room was a gift shop. The Tiffin Room was partitioned into the Tiffin Board Room which serves as an event venue and a community kitchen for residents. The word Tiffin (ti.fin), was first used in 1785 in India and neighboring eastern countries to mean a light midday meal.

Ideal for intimate receptions and dinners, press conferences, or as a break-out room for a full-day symposium, the Tiffin Boardroom with its historic oak conference/dining table can seat twelve guests. Basked in natural light, the Tiffin Boardroom offers a lovely view of the fountain Courtyard.


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The University of Chicago
International House
1414 East 59th Street

Chicago, Illinois 60637-2997

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