Subpage Basic header

Creating a Subpage

The menu at the top of your site allows visitors to navigate to the main pages on your site, however, you can only include seven items in your main menu. In order to add more items to your main navigation menu, you must create drop-down menus with Subpages.

Creating a Subpage is simple. First, create and design your page. Then go to your dashboard and select Appearance > Menus. If your page has more than one menu (a footer menu, etc.), under Select a Menu to Edit select Primary Menu. Under the Pages column, select the page you want to add to a drop-down menu and click Add to Menu. Under the Menu Structure column, drag the page underneath and slightly to the right of the parent page you have chosen. Your page should now have a label that says Sub Item. Remember to Save Menu.


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Chicago, Illinois 60637-2997

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